Regula contra Regulam Teatro


Regula contra Regulam Teatro (RcRT) is a nomadic laboratory theater that develops theatrical productions and pedagogical activities born from an intertwining of collaborations and international exchanges.
For its image coordinated I left from the workbooks of director and coordinator of the group, Raúl Iaiza, that well they told the complex bond that amalgamates discipline and creativity, manifesto of RcRT.

See also Regula production project (click here)


The logo, the result of these reflections on rationality and the play of opposites it is also a graphic seed from which yes develop the other materials.

The thick lines of the logo do also found in the posters that here break to give space for strong subjects who be they the protagonists or the archetypal protagonists of theatrical productions.


The same logo, in fact, yes opens in dotted lines which draw a path of connections and dating. Like a growing tree or a nomad who leaves behind itself the sign of his steps, this graph represents the complexity of a reality in constant movement.

IMMAGINE sito Regula_1